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Meeting in a Box

Meeting in a Box


Our company managers fulfill a critical role in cascading communication regarding the Values to all associates. We have the significant opportunity and challenge to engage the associates in our teams around the Values, and ensure that all associates have a clear understanding of the Values, and what is expected of them in relation to the Values.\


The process and materials provided in this tool are intended to enable you to:

  • Lead a meeting with associates in your team to familiarize them with the Values and their important role in demonstrating the Values in our company



To assist in achieving this objective, several tools are provided to guide your through the process of preparing for and conducting the meeting:
  1. Meeting Agenda - The meeting agenda provides a recommended structure, sequence of topics/activities, roles, and suggested timing for topics/activities
  2. Culture and Values Presentation - A brief presentation is provided for managers to use in introducing the Values to associates in a meeting. This presentation can be customized to fit associates needs, depending on whether they have participated in previous Values training programs.
  3. Discussion Questions - Discussion questions are provided to enable you to engage in a meaningful dialogue about the Values.

Time Required

It is estimated that you will need to invest approximately 30 - 45 minutes to prepare for the meeting, although the actual amount of time may vary from person to person. It is estimated that you will need 60 - 90 minutes to facilitate the meeting. The agenda is designed for a 60 minute meeting. Questions and prolonged discussion/dialogue could cause the meeting to extend beyond the estimated time.
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