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Toolkit Components

Toolkit Components
Meeting in a Box
Values Activities

The Values Into Action Toolkit contains a comprehensive selection of tools designed for use as reference material. Managers may view the Toolkit as a library from which to select resources as needed over time. The components of the Toolkit are designed to stand alone. However, suggestions are made on linkages and potential order of tool use.

Tips for Enhancing Values-Based Behavior


A variety of suggested actions, observable behaviors and reflection questions are given to help associates exhibit the Values in their day-to-day roles. The tips provide straightforward methods to use in translating the Values from broad, conceptual statements to visible indicators of a strong culture.

Values Meeting in a Box

This package of tools includes a meeting agenda and presentation materials for managers' use in conducting a meeting to familiarize associates with the Values and their important role in our company. 

  • Meeting Agenda - The meeting agenda provides a sequence of events with discussion questions to guide managers in leading the meeting.

  • Values Presentation - A brief presentation is provided for managers to use in introducing the Values to associates in a meeting. This presentation can be customized to fit the manager's and associates' needs, depending on whether the associates have participated in previous Values training programs.

  • Discussion Questions - Discussion questions are provided to further the Values dialogue.

Values Activities

This includes materials that managers can use to further instill the Values and their important role in our corporate life.

  • Exercises - Exercises are provided to help associates understand what the Values mean in day-to-day work life. These exercises vary in time required, Values focused on, and processes used. The exercises are designed to yield fun and challenging learning experiences for practical application of the Values in daily work challenges and dilemmas.

  • Case Studies - Brief case studies are provided to engage associates in thinking through, discussing and developing a common understanding of the Values and their impact on associate behavior in the workplace.

  • Situational Dilemmas - Situational Dilemmas are included to give associates an opportunity to practice applying Values-based decision making to work related situations.

Team Values Development

This tool includes three integrated components to help managers and their teams develop a shared perspective on the team's Values strengths and opportunities to improve, and to establish a plan to increase their alignment with and demonstration of the Values on a more consistent basis.

  • Team Assessment - An assessment tool for team members to rate their own and their team's alignment with and consistent demonstration of the Values in the workplace.

  • Discussion Guide - A step-by-step guide for managers to use in collecting, consolidating, and analyzing team member ratings of the team's Values alignment (individual, personal ratings are not shared or collected, to protect anonymity and enhance honest assessment of the team's alignment). It also includes instructions on how to identify the team's top priorities for Values development within the team.

  • Action Planning - A practical process and template for managers and teams to use in developing a concrete, actionable action plan to enhance the team's alignment with and demonstration of the Values.


Success Stories

Managers are provided with three resources to promote broad sharing of successful experiences and practices related to use of the Values Toolkit to instill the Values.

  • Share Your Success Story - The Values Toolkit website provides managers with an easy-to-use means to share brief descriptions of how they used the Toolkit (or some component of it) to instill the Values in their teams or departments.

  • Read Other Success Stories - The Values Toolkit website will post Success Stories shared by managers through the process and tool described above. Postings will be updated on a monthly basis. Success Stories will be selected from a wide range of lines of business to promote the broad use of the Toolkit throughout the company, to recognize individual managers for their active leadership in instilling the Values, and to stimulate managers' thinking and creativity regarding the Values.

  • Best Practices - The Values Toolkit website will post a list of Best Practices, to be drawn from the Success Stories. If possible, these Best Practices will be attributed to the individuals (line managers) who contributed them, taking care to ensure that they actually do represent 'best practice.' This will encourage others to apply these Best Practices in their use of the Toolkit to instill the Values.


Managers are provided a list of articles, books, and online resources to promote deeper understanding of the important role of Values in organizational life.

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