The Value of Corporate Values
Companies that define, integrate, and consistently demonstrate a strong set of core values within their organizational practices, processes, decisions, and actions experience greater long-term success than companies that do not pursue this course or that do so partially or inconsistently. The failure to pay adequate attention to values comes with a high price. At the same time, leading companies have recognized the impact of culture and values on their ability to be competitive and, by paying close attention to their values, are reaping the many rewards of their efforts.
Our article "Corporate Values and Bottom-Line Performance: The Value of Values," in The 2005 Pfeiffer Annual: Consulting is still relevant today. It provides insight into how and why companies address corporate values, reviews research on the impact of corporate values on organizational performance, and explains the business case for defining and implementing corporate values. It also describes practices related to the development and implementation of corporate values and introduces the reader to a practical approach to supporting implementation of corporate values.
We have recently expanded our resources related to corporate values by incorporating a Values Toolkit that contains a comprehensive selection of tools designed for use in defining and instilling values. It is intended for use by managers and consultants, and serves as a library from which to select resources as needed over time. The components of the Toolkit are designed to stand alone.
You can get an introduction to the Toolkit here. If you are interested in learning more about the Values Toolkit, contact us via email at or through the Contact Us form on our website.